Climate change is the prime mover behind the development of cleaner energy techniques. The process-based research for green energy production is an important tool for restoring the environment in eco-friendly manner.
Green Environment
Environment plays a vital role in progress of any country. To environment is mainly govern by the utilization of resources and energy. To keep the environment friendly for the habitants’ resources, need to be utilized efficiently and energy generation should be optimized to clean and green energy.
Sustainability is the endurance culture to maintain the acceptable pace at certain level of Commitment. The key elements of Sustainability are economy, environment and Society. To mitigate the intricating abnormality in this world Sustainability is need to be adopted in research and development.
Low Carbon Technologies
In today’s advancing world improvement in burning technique is taking place at a rapid rate, as a result of which un-wanted carbon is severely affecting the neutrality of carbon levels present in the atmosphere. To reverse this degradation process, low-carbon technology needs to be developed along with a comprehensive policy for the effective implementation of this technology.